
Evolution of programmatic digital display


Programmatic advertising - display advertising isn’t fresh. Back in 2013, the IDC - International Data Corporation predicted that expenses on RTB (real time bidding)

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RTB - A good choice for advertisers in spite of too many cons


Beyond any doubt there are too many issues which we can see with programmatic advertising; poor creative, fraud, and also lack of transparency among the media agencies are causing too much debate.

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RTB industry launches video real time bidding


It has become very clear that soon video advertising will be bought & sold in real-time Programmatic advertising, so how do you exploit on this New technology trend?

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RTB technology promoting traffic monetization


RTB (real time bidding) is a way through which purchasing of the advertising inventory is done and also selling based on per-impression basis, with support of programmatic instantaneous auctions.

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Smartphones and RTB - latest trends in marketing


Programmatic advertising may have started with open exchanges as well as RTB (real time bidding), but it has now superior well beyond that.

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TV programmatic advertising - Right choice for advertisers


We can define programmatic TV as a systematic method which is technology-automated and data-driven and used for buying as well as delivering of ads in lieu of TV content.

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What is programmatic video?


Programmatic video is basically the application of software for purchasing of digital video advertising. The benefit which it offers when compared with traditional video ad

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